Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Facts About Sand Dollars in FishVille

Sand Dollars in FishVille

When you're first setting up your tank, you'll notice that you have the ability to accumulate both coins and Sand Dollars in FishVille. However, once you really start to play the game – buying and selling your fish and decking out your tank – you're really only dealing in coins. And that's a good thing too, because Sand Dollars are much harder to come by in the FishVille world than coins are. Because these Sand Dollars are so difficult to accumulate, it's important that you save them and spend them only when you have no other choice. But how do you know when that is?

Beware Frivolous Spending

There are a couple of ways you can spend your hard earned Sand Dollars in FishVille. One way is to purchase certain specialty decorations and plants from the store. While these decorations may be tempting, and will certainly award you a lot of experience points, they're not worth spending your Sand Dollars on unless you've managed to build up a substantial stash.


The other main way to spend your Sand Dollars is to purchase additional tanks (when you don't have enough neighbors to do this with coins alone). While you could certainly save that valuable currency by simply sending out a few extra neighbor invitations, if you have the Sand Dollars to spend in a situation like this, it's not a bad deal.

Not Fast Enough

Unfortunately, unless you're willing to supplement your income of Sand Dollars in FishVille, you won't be able to rack them up fast enough to make them a truly viable option for sustained expansion. The most you can realistically hope for if you're trying to expand by relying on Sand Dollars alone is one extra tank. That's because you'll only be awarded one Sand Dollar in FishVille each time you move up a level (and not even at every level).

A Bit of Both

Really, the best strategy for using Sand Dollars to your greatest advantage in FishVille is to save them up until you have enough to buy an extra tank before you unlock it by leveling up. This won't be your first extra tank – you should still make sure you have enough neighbors to make your initial expansion move at level 10. But by saving up your Sand Dollars, you'll be able to get that third tank well before you unlock it with neighbors at level 20. By making use of both Sand Dollars and neighbors, then, you can maximize your ability to increase your FishVille business and advance quickly in the game.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

How to Know Which Fish to Raise in FishVille

Which Fish to Raise in FishVille

There are so many different options to consider when you're trying to decide which fish to raise in FishVille. And as you move up to new levels and unlock more and more different kinds of fish, those options only become more plentiful. Each fish has its own particular characteristics, and so you'll have to make different purchasing decisions based on a number of different factors as you progress through the game.

Lots of Coins

Of course, since your fish are your primary source of income in FishVille, you'll want to raise the ones that will sell for the highest number of coins. This analysis isn't quite as straightforward as it may seem to be initially, however. This is because a large ultimate sale cost doesn't necessarily mean that the particular type of fish is actually the most profitable. Your ultimate decision about which fish to raise in FishVille will have more to do with how many coins per hour each type of fish will bring in and how much of an actual return you're getting on your initial investment.

All About Experience

Money isn't everything, though. You also earn experience points for each fish that you sell, and that's another important thing to keep in mind when you're trying to decide which fish to raise in FishVille. In the same way that you can analyze the relative profitability of each fish in terms of coins per hour, you can also see how they measure up to each other when it comes to experience points granted per hour. This is a particularly important measure because it's the experience points, not the coins, that allow you to advance to new levels in FishVille and unlock new items, tanks, and fish.

Your Schedule

As important as all of these other measures and methods of analysis are, you ultimately will have to base your decision about which fish to raise in FishVille on how well each of their growth cycles fit into your own schedule. None of that careful planning and educated decision making will help you if you can't get back to feed your fish in time and they die. And since the amount of time your fish can go without food is directly related to the time it takes for that fish to complete each of its multiple growth cycles, you need to be sure and take this into account when you're making your fish selections.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Maximizing Your Profits In FishVille

Profits In FishVille

When you're playing FishVille, there are a lot of ways to enjoy yourself. Even just watching the colorful fish you've raised and nurtured swim around can be a great reward for all the hard work you put into assembling your tank. You may not be in it for the money, and you might not even aspire to any form of aquatic domination. But even so, you'd be wise to pay attention to your profits in FishVille. Any time you sell a fish, you make more than you sold it for, but the size of that profit will vary considerably depending on the kinds of fish you wind up raising and when you decide to sell them.

Return On Investment

One way to make sure you're maximizing your profits in FishVille is to choose the fish you raise based on how much of a return you get on your initial investment when you sell them. This isn't always immediately obvious because, even though you may get a big chunk of change when you sell a particular fish, it may not actually be that much more than you paid for it to begin with.

In general, the higher the level that you need to achieve to unlock the fish, the greater the profits you'll get by selling it. This is not always the case, however, so it's important to evaluate the profitability of each fish as you unlock it and not simply assume that a new option is better than some of the others you've been using.

Earnings Per Hour

Another factor that you need to take into account when you're trying to increase your profits in FishVille is how much each fish will actually make you per hour that it spends in your tank. Again, it's important not to be fooled by fish that give you big chunks of coins when you finally sell them. If you're raising a type of fish that takes a long time to grow, you may actually be able to make more coins in the same amount of time by raising a fish that sells for less but that has a much quicker turn around time.

Time to Sell

But really, the most important way to make sure that you're maximizing your profits in FishVille is to wait until your fish are completely mature before you sell them. It can often be tempting to sell fish as soon as you can so that you can start raising new ones and because you want the coins now. But by waiting until your fish have reached their maximum value, you really cut down on the amount of profit you're able to collect from each one.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Why Your FishVille Decorations Are Important

FishVille Decorations

When you first start playing FishVille, there are a lot of things to keep track of. You need to decide which fish to buy, make sure you'll be able to get back to feed them before they die, and recruit some neighbors. You also have to make sure you're visiting all your neighbors, managing your gifts, and generally keeping track of all of the elements of your little aquatic world.

When you're trying to get a handle on all of this, FishVille decorations can seem like the least important of the many aspects of life in FishVille. Sure, it might be fun to play around with some of these decorations sometime, but you've got more important things to worry about, right? If you really want to succeed in this game and get the most out of the experience that you can, you'd be wise to pay closer attention to your FishVille decorations. They'll wind up playing a much larger role in your overall success than you think.

Buying Experience

The main reason these decorative items are so important is that they actually give you experience points every time you buy one and place it in your tank. Since this was something you were going to do anyway, it's basically and experience bump for nothing. It's important to realize, though, that you only get this experience if you buy the item yourself. Relying on the gifts you receive from your friends for all of your FishVille decorations will save you some cash, but it won't allow you to rack up these bonus experience points.

Plan Ahead

Of course, you can't just go throwing money around either. The last thing you want to do is go out and spend all of your coins on decorations only to realize that you have none left to buy new fish with. That's why you should take a few moments when you first start playing the game to look through all of the FishVille decorations that are available in the store.

Having done this, you'll be in a much better position to determine which items are worth it to you to spend coins on and which ones you can do without. Keep in mind, too, that the higher the price of the item, the more experience points you'll get when you buy it. Saving up your coins until you reach a high enough level to unlock a really big ticket item will be well worth it in the end.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mastering the Art of Feeding Your Fish in FishVille

Feeding Your Fish in FishVille

It certainly sounds like a simple task – feed your fish so they don't die. But as anyone who's ventured into this virtual aquatic world knows, feeding your fish in FishVille can often be a difficult thing to coordinate. There are several reasons for this, but the main thing you have to realize is that each type of fish grows at a different rate, and so has different needs when it comes to food. This dynamic is further complicated when you're trying to raise several different types of fish at once.

Recognize the Problem

Really, the most important thing you can do to address the difficulties surrounding proper feeding of your fish in FishVille is to recognize how complicated the process can be. Once you're aware of the potential difficulties, you'll be in a much better position to address them and can likely escape some of the major pitfalls.

Plan Ahead

If you're going to be able to keep your fish alive until they're ready to be sold for the greatest possible profit, you've got to stop and evaluate your options before you just go and buy one kind or the other. When examining the growth cycles of the fish you're thinking of purchasing too, it's important to be realistic about what you'll actually be able to do.

You already know that feeding your fish in FishVille is necessary if you want to be able to sell them once they're grown. But depending on how quickly each type of fish grows, it will need to be fed more or less often. For example, a fish that completes one growth stage in 4 hours will have to be fed within 8 hours or it will die. And if that happens, you'll get nothing for your investment except the single experience point you get for scooping a dead fish out of your tank.

Spread it Around

Getting back to your tank in time isn't the only thing you have to worry about though. Feeding your fish in FishVille properly also means that you need to make sure all of the fish who need the food get the food. This is especially important when you're raising several different types of fish in the same tank. Any time you sprinkle food into the tank, all of your fish will eat, so simply shaking in enough food for all your hungry fish won't cut it.

To be safe, it's best to dump in at least as many food flakes as you have fish in your tank. And even then, you need to go back and look at all of your fish again to make sure they've each been able to satisfy their hunger with each feeding.

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Why Your FishVille Neighbors Are the Key to Your Success

FishVille Neighbors

Since you're playing FishVille on a social networking site like Facebook, it seems only natural to have neighbors. You may even have wound up playing the game to begin with as the result of an invitation from one of your friends. And it can be a lot of fun to have this new way to interact with your friends and acquaintances in your own virtual aquatic world. But FishVille neighbors are not just a fun addition to the game. They can contribute greatly to your success, and the more you have, the more options for game play will be open to you. And as more updates are made to the game, the benefits that neighbors provide are only likely to increase.


For one thing, more FishVille neighbors means more FishVille gifts – both to be given and received. There are quite a few items that you can only get if you're given them as gifts, so give them to your friends and ask your friends to send them back to you. Most of these gifts are free, so there's really no reason not to send as many as you can. Just remember though, that the more neighbors you have, the more gifts you'll be likely to get.

Side Jobs

Another reason having more FishVille neighbors will help you to succeed in the game is that when you visit your neighbors, you're able to earn some extra coins for helping them out with their tanks. You can only do this once a day, though, so the more neighbors you have, the more you can earn this way. You'll also get coins for cleaning the green goo off of the sides of their tanks, so make sure you don't pass up this opportunity to earn extra coins every day.

Affordable Expansion

And perhaps the most important reason it's helpful to have a lot of FishVille neighbors is that the number of neighbors you have will determine how many additional tanks you can buy with coins. If you don't have enough neighbors, you'll only be able to buy extra tanks and expand your aquatic empire if you have enough sand dollars to do so. Sand dollars are so much harder to come by than coins, though, that it'll be much easier for you to accomplish all of these things if you just bulk up the ranks of your neighbors a little. It'll wind up saving you a lot in the end.

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How to Get the Most Neighbors in FishVille

Neighbors in FishVille

Even if you've just started playing FishVille, you're no doubt aware of how important it is to have a lot of neighbors. Your neighbors in FishVille can help you to succeed in quite a few different ways, and so any method that might have the potential to increase your neighbor total should not be overlooked. The more neighbors you have, the more gifts you'll receive, and the more tanks you'll be able to buy. You also shouldn't overlook the importance of visiting your neighbors every day to help them out with their tanks. This is a great way to earn some coins on the side, and the more neighbors in FishVille you have, the more you'll be able to earn this way.

Neighbor Sources

But where do you get all of these neighbors? Well, the best place to start is certainly your friend list. In fact, many of your friends may be playing the game already. To find out who these people might be, simply click on the Neighbors tab a the top of your screen and you'll be able to immediately send a neighbor request to any of your friends who have already set up their own tanks. This may be a lot of people, or it may not. Either way, though, it's a good place to start finding your neighbors in FishVille.


Of course, you probably have a lot of friends who aren't already playing the game. Another easy way to swell the ranks of your neighbors quickly is to invite all of these people to play with you and be your neighbor. And, yes, you should invite everyone – even the people you think may be the least likely to play. You'll often be surprised who the most enthusiastic players turn out to be, but you'll never know if you don't ask.


Once you've exhausted your friend list options for neighbors in FishVille, you don't have to give up the search. There are actually a ton of forums and fan pages you can visit to hook up with other players looking for more neighbors to help them expand their aquatic empire. You can find these forums and fan pages by clicking on the Forums link at the bottom of your FishVille screen, or by simply searching for FishVille withing whatever social networking site you're using to play the game. No matter how you find them though, these pages are a great resource to keep in mind – not only when you're looking for neighbors, but whenever you have a question or concern about any aspect of game play.

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