Neighbors in FishVille
Even if you've just started playing FishVille, you're no doubt aware of how important it is to have a lot of neighbors. Your neighbors in FishVille can help you to succeed in quite a few different ways, and so any method that might have the potential to increase your neighbor total should not be overlooked. The more neighbors you have, the more gifts you'll receive, and the more tanks you'll be able to buy. You also shouldn't overlook the importance of visiting your neighbors every day to help them out with their tanks. This is a great way to earn some coins on the side, and the more neighbors in FishVille you have, the more you'll be able to earn this way.
Neighbor Sources
But where do you get all of these neighbors? Well, the best place to start is certainly your friend list. In fact, many of your friends may be playing the game already. To find out who these people might be, simply click on the Neighbors tab a the top of your screen and you'll be able to immediately send a neighbor request to any of your friends who have already set up their own tanks. This may be a lot of people, or it may not. Either way, though, it's a good place to start finding your neighbors in FishVille.
Of course, you probably have a lot of friends who aren't already playing the game. Another easy way to swell the ranks of your neighbors quickly is to invite all of these people to play with you and be your neighbor. And, yes, you should invite everyone – even the people you think may be the least likely to play. You'll often be surprised who the most enthusiastic players turn out to be, but you'll never know if you don't ask.
Once you've exhausted your friend list options for neighbors in FishVille, you don't have to give up the search. There are actually a ton of forums and fan pages you can visit to hook up with other players looking for more neighbors to help them expand their aquatic empire. You can find these forums and fan pages by clicking on the Forums link at the bottom of your FishVille screen, or by simply searching for FishVille withing whatever social networking site you're using to play the game. No matter how you find them though, these pages are a great resource to keep in mind – not only when you're looking for neighbors, but whenever you have a question or concern about any aspect of game play.
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