FishVille Decorations
When you first start playing FishVille, there are a lot of things to keep track of. You need to decide which fish to buy, make sure you'll be able to get back to feed them before they die, and recruit some neighbors. You also have to make sure you're visiting all your neighbors, managing your gifts, and generally keeping track of all of the elements of your little aquatic world.
When you're trying to get a handle on all of this, FishVille decorations can seem like the least important of the many aspects of life in FishVille. Sure, it might be fun to play around with some of these decorations sometime, but you've got more important things to worry about, right? If you really want to succeed in this game and get the most out of the experience that you can, you'd be wise to pay closer attention to your FishVille decorations. They'll wind up playing a much larger role in your overall success than you think.
Buying Experience
The main reason these decorative items are so important is that they actually give you experience points every time you buy one and place it in your tank. Since this was something you were going to do anyway, it's basically and experience bump for nothing. It's important to realize, though, that you only get this experience if you buy the item yourself. Relying on the gifts you receive from your friends for all of your FishVille decorations will save you some cash, but it won't allow you to rack up these bonus experience points.
Plan Ahead
Of course, you can't just go throwing money around either. The last thing you want to do is go out and spend all of your coins on decorations only to realize that you have none left to buy new fish with. That's why you should take a few moments when you first start playing the game to look through all of the FishVille decorations that are available in the store.
Having done this, you'll be in a much better position to determine which items are worth it to you to spend coins on and which ones you can do without. Keep in mind, too, that the higher the price of the item, the more experience points you'll get when you buy it. Saving up your coins until you reach a high enough level to unlock a really big ticket item will be well worth it in the end.
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